Ex-Teacher Had More Than 2500 Vile Images

Ex-teacher had more than 2500 vile images

Filed under: pictures

The court heard he has no previous convictions and had pleaded guilty to the offences at the earliest opportunity. Judge James Spencer QC made Hodgson the subject of a three-year community and supervision order with a requirement to attend an alcohol …
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The Death of the Rock Star – Everyone's Sober Now

Filed under: alcohol abuse pictures

The mysticism that once surrounded the “rock star” has evaporated into pictures of them in their sweatpants at Starbucks and unwarranted crotch shots as they exit their limousine. Bottom line, it's not cute. Despite the … The Seattle-based emcee's …
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Discovering the Long Term Effects of Alcohol – www.amenclinics.com – The long term effects of alcohol are stated on numerous websites promoting a healthy lifestyle. The effects of drug abuse are detrimental to abusers with 3 years of continuous abuse. Aside from the effects of alcohol on the brain, substance abusers could lose their lives from abusing drugs.


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