Hospital in Terminal Decline

Hospital in terminal decline
According to sources, drugs for diabetic patients in particular are in short supply. Speaking on condition of anonymity, hospital staff said that, because of the shortages, they have been writing prescriptions for patients to buy their own medicines in … Read more on The Zimbabwe Mail

Rehab center detoxes patients
In the next year, the program will only be able to accept 30 patients under federal guidelines for clinics that prescribe drugs such as Suboxone. Suboxone is a highly controlled substance. It is approved by the FDA for the treatment of opiate … Read more on Park Record


La Paloma Drug & Center Facility Tour – La Paloma is a recognized dual diagnosis facility specializing in alcohol, drug and prescription drug rehab along with mental health issues. Located in Memphis, Tennessee, La Paloma is part of Foundations Recovery Network. They work with most major insurance companies. You can check out the website at for more information.


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