How Can It Be OK to Drink Beer EVERYDAY?

Question by : How can it be OK to drink beer EVERYDAY?
I see Sam Adams commercials where the guy says he drinks it DAILY as if it was no big deal!!! How is it not a big deal? If he needs alcohol everyday he is an alcoholic and needs help.
Is it ever ok to drink 6 beers daily?

Best answer:

Answer by kfaulk211
I don’t think you understand what “alcoholic” means.

First of all, studies show that DAILY, moderate consumption of alcohol is good for us. I have provided links to those studies below. Certainly drinking a beer a day is not bad for you, as this is moderate consumption – beer is relatively low in alcohol and contains all kinds of antioxidants and nourishment. Getting drunk every day is bad – having a beer or two is not bad at all.

You see, people who enjoy beer, like Sam Adams’ Jim Koch, are not drinking beer for the alcohol. He drinks the beer that his company makes because he’s proud of it, he enjoys it, it pairs wonderfully with food and is a satisfying beverage that has been enjoyed since the beginning of human civilization.

Did you know the Trappist monks who brew some of the world’s finest beer in Belgian monasteries have a DAILY ALLOWANCE of 5 liters of beer. That’s 14 beers! But beer doesn’t spoil like other beverages and was practical.

It’s unfortunate that our society has demonized alcohol so much – i do blame large beer companies for making beer what it is, and for who don’t know moderate and responsible consumption. Beer should be enjoyed, like wine, for what it is and not for the alcohol. It should never be about getting drunk.

But the French Paradox shows that adults who drink 1-2 beers or glasses of wine EVERY day are healthier, on average than non drinkers, and that’s despite them eating much less healthy food than us.

Don’t be so uptight – beer (and wine) can be enjoyed daily without any repercussions – and perhaps even some health benefits.

Answer by WolfLink
no not six beers you will be alchoholic quick and kill your brain cells and destoy you liver

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