How Do People With Borderline Personality Disorder Get Help (What Kinds of Help)?

Question by Adamismyname: How do people with get help (what kinds of help)?
I am helping parents of a girl adopted at age 5 who is now 21 and BPD. The daughter doesn’t realize it yet but has admitted that something is wrong. It seems like Borderline Personality but of course only a doctor would know. What kinds of treatments do people with BPD get? My brother’s ex-wife had this but she divorced my brother when getting help so I have no idea since if she had success or not.

Best answer:

Answer by Niki
Treatment is usually in the form of “talk therapy” or counseling with a focus on changing behavior and ways of thinking. The two most effective therapeutic models so far are Cognitive-Behavioral therapy (CBT), and Dialectical Behavioral therapy (DBT). DBT, especially in group treatment rather than individual treatment where the client can see that they aren’t alone in this situation seems to work the best in my experience, but both can be effective. Her best bet is for her family to help her find a good licensed practitioner in the area who runs a DBT group and can see her individually as needed when things come up that need more attention. Seeing a prescriber for medication can often help, too, when borderline personality disorder is present with other troubles like anxiety or bipolar disorder.

Hope this helps, and best of luck!

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