I Am Looking for a Natural Way to Treat Oppositinal Defiance Disorder Any Ideas?

Question by Jubalee: I am looking for a natural way to treat oppositinal defiance disorder any ideas?
I have a 6 year old daughter who is ADHD and ODD. Her doctor has
her on aderall and now wants to put her on Risperdone. I am just not comfortable with that as it is an antipsychotic besides on doctor a couple of years ago tried it and it gave her a “tic” He was a quack anyway. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by peanut
Go get a second opinion. There are more choices than Risperadone. Therapy might help.

Answer by Randy F
Madam no matter what you do you can not “medicate” your child into obedience. Aderall is nothing more than methamphetamine. and the antipsycotics that gave her a “tic” ( tardive dyskinesia) all of them do this. I would suggest the age old standard way of raising kids.

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