I Can’t Get My Blood Sugar Levels Down. Please Help!?

Question by Cutie: I can’t get my blood sugar levels down. Please help!?
Hi I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 2007, since then I have rarely have a low reading. The lowest my blood sugar as been was 137mg/dl. I try to eat healthy even though it is really hard. My blood sugar level are often in the high 200s and 300s and at its highest 470 mg/dl. I desperately want my sugar under control as I would love to have a baby this year, but I am afraid that if I do not get my sugar under control that I will not have a healthy baby.

Please give me some advise.

Best answer:

Answer by Thandarr
I don’t know what you’ve tried, other than eating sensibly. That has been difficult for me. I know what you mean about it being really hard. Part of the problem with Type 2 diabetes is that it makes you hungry.

I know this can be very frustrating. In my experience exercise has helped, even though I really hate doing it. Take a blood sugar reading. Then go out and walk for as long as you can. Come back in and take another reading and see how much difference it made.

I hate exercising. I just have to make myself do it. My doctor has adjusted my medications as well. In addition to prescription medications, I am taking a lot of vitamins.

Recently, through a combination of diet, exercise, and enough pills that I’m sometimes afraid that diabetes may just kill me through choking, I’ve managed to get my blood sugar down.

Answer by celtic.piskie
You really need to speak with your doctor about your medications.

You may need to go on to insulin, if you are not already on it.

You really need to get this under control before you try for a kid, as very high blood sugar, especially during the first trimester, can be very bad.

Again, just speak honestly to your doctor about your readings, drugs, and see if there’s anything different they can give you.

Good luck.

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