If Foley Had Been Caught by MSNBC’s “to Catch a Predator” Would He Be in a Undisclosed Rehab or Jail Right Now

Question by pickle head: If Foley had been caught by MSNBC’s “To Catch A Predator” would he be in a undisclosed Rehab or Jail right now
Foley has checked himself in to an “undisclosed Rehab” for treatmen to Alcoholism … ironicly, now he’s conveniently an alcoholic which gets him out of the spot light and into a protected facility after his resignation. Is Foley getting Special Treatment? Anyone else would be in jail by now … as seen on TV. What do you think?

Best answer:

Answer by Chainsaw
Has he been acused of anything more than sending emails? Has he been convicted of anything? NO to both. Come back to me if it does happen.

Answer by Joey Bagadonuts
He’s only doing exactly what Representative Kennedy did a few months ago. Hurry and check into rehab…….but Kennedy didn’t have the grace to resign…..too bad

Add your own answer in the comments!



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Movie review: 'Smashed' is a sobering look at alcohol abuse

Filed under: alcoholism rehab

GHNS — It's tempting to call the alcohol rehab dramedy “Smashed” “The Daze of Whine and Rosés,” but that would be a tad dismissive of a movie that, despite numerous flaws, serves its concoctions straight up with a tangy twist of humor. Yet there's no …
Read more on Sault Ste. Marie Evening News


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