If You Could ONLY SAY ONE. What Battle Did FDR Wage Better, WW2 or Fighting “the Great Depression”?

Question by Dollbaby Melissa: If you could ONLY SAY ONE. What Battle did FDR wage better, WW2 or fighting “The Great Depression”?

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My Story, Fighting Depression – Thank you everyone for your comments, they mean the world to me, but also for everyone else going through this, your not alone, and these comments are for you too, all the supportive ones, your all so kind and I hope this video keeps helping others as it has helped me, I’m still going through ups and downs, and there’s probably lots of people going through the same, I just want to tell you Stay Strong! You can beat this! I have gained new hope and I hope that all of you do as well, all my wish’s and love! I also wanted to apologize for the late responses to the messages in my inbox I will get to them as soon as I can. The friend mentioned in the video is always the same one. I do not own this song nor do I make any profit from it.


Fighting stigma

Filed under: fighting depression

In my years-long battle with depression and anxiety, I've hit many low points both in my emotional well-being and my dignity. One of the biggest blows to the latter came when I was in my first year at Queen's, in the midst of what was then my worst …
Read more on Queen’s Journal


Fight the stigma – get screened

Filed under: fighting depression

A shocking number of college students experience depression and other during their tenure in college. According to the American College Health Association's National College Health Assessment in Fall 2011, over 45 percent of …
Read more on Kirkwood Student Media


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