Is It True That Alcohol Prevents Your Muscles From Growing?

Question by kev d: Is it true that Alcohol prevents your muscles from growing?
Every time i try to balance out the positives and negatives of drinking i always find the negatives to outweigh the positives so i stay away from drinking completely. I came across this other “fact” the other day. Is it true?

Best answer:

Answer by Spicoli
Keep trying to find excuses and make it okay, kid.

Answer by PopeDARWIN™
Alcoholic beverages are loaded with carbohydrates.. you can perhaps drink lite beer…

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Whats So Fun About Alcohol – The Facts – So My Last video was a downfall because I ended up getting slagged off and talked about from my so called friends and other people. So I thought I would create a fact based video instead of my own opinion seeing as Facts are more to go by. Alcohol is a depressant it isnt for having fun. Abusing Alcohol isnt fun. If this doesnt make you think about what your doing then I dont really care anymore. If you cant realise what you’re doing is wrong for you, then you’re not worth bothering about. Song: Snow Patrol – Chasing Cars; I dont claim any rights on this song.

