Long Term Alcohol Rehab: Alcohol Doesn’t Solve Problems

Alcohol, by far, is the most socially prevalent drug in the United States of America. It is the most widely available substance, and about fifty percent of Americans abuse alcohol. It is often used to self-medicate, but there are many people who do not view it as a drug. It is best to seek help as soon as possible if you recognize a problem in yourself, or someone you care about. Alcohol is present at most social functions, so it can be hard to say no to it. However, proper selection from among the many long-term alcohol rehab programs will help an individual to maintain permanent sobriety.

12-step programs are the most well-known types of therapy for alcohol abuse. The cold hard fact of the matter though is they are not as successful as secular rehab. The physical side is not dealt with in 12-step programs, only the emotional/mental side. To achieve the desired outcome of being free from chemical dependency both sides need to be included in a treatment program.

Many non 12-step rehabs include biophysical detox therapy. This is composed of components like saunas, supplements, proper nutrition, and light exercise. Acupuncture or massage may even be included in some. All the toxins are removed from the body, as well as, this treatment allows for a less stressful detox. It is vital this process is included as it inhibits the recurrence of relapse. The emotional side can be started once this is done.

Additional thing to factor into the equation is long-term alcohol rehabs should not be cookie cutter. Every person took a different path to substance abuse and will take an equally different one to recovery. Therefore, it is detrimental to have a predetermined length of stay. From person to person it will change when they are prepared to leave a treatment facility.

Furthermore, the therapy should be absent of any prescribed replacement medication. A person is not sober if they are taking replacement drugs that mimic the feeling that alcohol produces in them. The intensive life-skills training a person receives will teach them new coping mechanisms. Drugs do not aid this process at all. If a person remains in an altered state it interferes with the goal of rebuilding self-confidence and self-esteem.

The process of selecting long-term alcohol rehab programs that meet the needs of an individual should not be done lightly. The information one needs to make the right choice can be provided by one of the many available treatment professionals. They will have the facts about multitudes of programs, what they offer, and the cost. In addition to, if you do not have medical insurance they can discuss payment options within your budget.

is on a steep increase across the nation, and Scott Slakofe is one of many individuals working to educate individuals as to the various long-term non 12 step drug rehab treatment options available.

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