May I Please Change Jobs?

Question by Becca51: May I please change jobs?
I am an RN. I work three 12 hour shifts a week and my base pay is $ 20.65. I want to quit. I am terribly unhappy in my job. Husband and I have $ 15,000 of debt. I wish to become a receptionist/secretary for less than half of my current pay. As it stands I am the breadwinner. If I am unhappy – so much so that I cannot get out of bed to go to this job – should I stay in it to help my husband. I don’t think I can do that. But I CAN work a job that I want to do for a longer duration to help us pay off or debt. So many people make their lives “work” with their jobs and incomes. Do you have any advice for me? BTW, I called in sick today. I absolutely behaved like a child to my husband as he tried to get me to get up and go to work. I almost hope to be fired for excessive absences so that I will have an excuse to get my dream job.
I don’t think I can tolerate the job long enough to pay off our debt. I am having enough trouble making it from one shift to another.
There are several reasons that I hate this job. Here is my list:
-Nursing is nothing like what it used to be. The boss is a business man – not a compassionate person with a medical background. Its all about the bottom line.
-Patients are being put on the bottom of the list in many ways. Doctors are treating the symptoms (like narcotic dependence, ) and not treating the source of the problem.
-Staffing is terrible. The nurse to patient ratio is 5:1 on days and sometimes 6:1 on nights. Hospitals care more about being in the black, the nursing staff is overworked, over stressed, underpaid, and I can’t even spend time doing BASIC nursing care.
I’m not a nurse when I am at work. I am a concierge for conceited drug addicted people who know how to work the system. I spend my time charting with my back to the patient (a no no) because some ninny business man wanted computers in every room – and computer charting. At the end of the day you are exhausted, limping, and not thanked.
I am on a general medical surgical floor. We have all kinds of patients. I have thought about working in a doctor’s office but mostly they hire LPNs or MAs instead of BSN RNs.

My hope is that I can completely quit nursing and work with the public in a less intimate relationship. I am tired of educating, medicating, running, getting chub rub, tired/sore feet, angry people who don’t understand they are not your only patient.

I want a normal job, like normal people, with normal complaints. I don’t want a job that is so high pressure.

I have a vision of me sitting behind a desk, with my hair up nicely, answering a phone and handing a piece of paper to someone walking by. Me at the xerox machine, fax machine. Making appointments for someone. Typing letters out to clients.

I am ready for a change of pace. My question is this, do you think it wise of me to work for less money, for a longer period of time, just so that I can be happy?

Best answer:

Answer by lilalovespink
wow, thats really hard. maybe get out of debt first and then make the career change. Or is there anything else you can do with your nursing degree beside be an RN?So that you can make more money?

Answer by Darth Vader
The big question is, why do you hate this job.

You never said why.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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