McGreevey, NJ Jail Program Earn Spot at Sundance

McGreevey, NJ jail program earn spot at Sundance
James McGreevey listens to a question at a gathering of women inmates at Integrity House, a transitional housing and area for women incarcerated at the Hudson County Correctional Center, in Kearney, N.J. The jailhouse treatment … Read more on Ct Post

William Rivers Pitt: Resolve to Remember the Butcher's Bill
The information Wolf described in her article "shows a terrifying network of coordinated DHS, FBI, police, regional fusion center, and private-sector activity so completely merged into one another that the monstrous whole is, in fact, one entity: in … Read more on

Piper named CEO of Waveny Care
In his new position, Piper will be responsible for managing the strategic growth, operations, development and future direction of Waveny's comprehensive continuum of health care, which includes 76 skilled nursing beds at Waveny Care Center, 53 assisted … Read more on Newcanaannewsonline

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