My Green Recipe for an a-List Glow

My green recipe for an A-list glow
“The purpose of the Beauty Detox Solution is to empower people to understand how their body works,” she says. … “I couldn't say to someone you're going to follow my plan and you're never going to have a glass of alcohol for the rest of your life … Read more on

Residents oppose Spotsylvania group home
“Teen Challenge has a program that works for helping people escape from their lives of destruction because they point them to the only one who can truly set them free, and that is Jesus Christ,” said Wendy Richters, executive director of the nonprofit … Read more on

Novus Backs California Medical Board Support of Prescription Drug Reforms
Novus is known for minimizing the discomfort of withdrawal from prescription medication, by creating a customized detox program for each patient, incorporating medication, natural supplements and fluid replenishment—putting dignity … Read more on PR Web (press release)

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