Re John the Baptist’s Counsel, “Produce Fruits Worthy of Repentance”, How Have You Done This?

Question by Life Forevermore: Re John the Baptist’s counsel, “produce fruits worthy of repentance”, how have you done this?
Knowing the Biblical meaning of repentance – to transform, how have you transformed in the renewing of your mind?

Is repentance a one-time experience for you, or not? Please explain.

Anything other than personal experience is of little use here. Thanks

Best answer:

Answer by Jason
How do you get to be a “Top contributor”?

Answer by Jennifer
John the Baptist was talking to the Pharisees when he said this. The fruit worthy of repentance is having faith alone in . That’s IT!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Christian Book Review: Introduction to Biblical Counseling by John MacArthur, Wayne A. Mack – This is the summary of Introduction to Biblical Counseling by John MacArthur, Wayne A. Mack.


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