Researchers Identify Dozens of New De Novo Genetic Mutations in Schizophrenia

Researchers Identify Dozens of New de novo Genetic Mutations in Schizophrenia

Filed under: schizophrenia treatment centers

( – , NY (October 3, 2012) — Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) researchers have identified dozens of new spontaneous genetic mutations that play a significant role in the development of schizophrenia, adding to the …


Autism and Schizophrenia Have Genetic Link

Filed under: schizophrenia treatment centers

Researchers have been exploring any connections between autism, schizophrenia, and other mental disorders for several years, with the hope that each new discovery will bring them closer to understanding, preventing, and treating these conditions. Now …
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NEW BORN PIGLETS – HOPEWELL 2009 – Residents and Staff alike are thrilled at the birth of 12 new additions to the Hopewell Community!! The marvels of nature abound here at Hopewell, a nonprofit residential treatment center. Hopewell is a therapeutic farming community in Mesopotamia, Ohio helping individuals cope with the struggles of mental illness. This video shows just part of what is experienced each day here at Hopewell! If you or a loved one is struggling with mental or emotional issues, call today for an appointment to tour Hopewell. Check out the website …


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