Rock Star Deaths: Study Shows Solo Acts at Higher Risk Than Bands

Rock Star Deaths: Study Shows Solo Acts At Higher Risk Than Bands
"Substance abuse and risk-taking in stars are largely discussed in terms of hedonism, music industry culture, responses to the pressures of fame or even part of the creative process," the researchers said. However, they said, "adverse experiences in … Read more on Huffington Post

The risk of daring to disagree with the NRA
On the day Jack Kennedy was killed, we cried and we prayed, and then we repeated crying and praying, and we were in Mississippi a state that was – uhhh how do I say this, NOT in favor of Kennedy or anything he stood for. I grew up in a house …. I'm … Read more on CNN (blog)

Scott Galvin Among Mayors to Outline Specific Agenda for
Require federal agencies to report records to NICS: The NICS Improvement Act of 2007 requires federal agencies to submit mental health, substance abuse and other records that prohibit a person from owning a gun to NICS. However, few agencies comply. In … Read more on

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