Service Dog Helps Peculiar Boy Cope With Disease

Service dog helps Peculiar boy cope with disease

Filed under: cry help drug rehab

Fifth-grader Brennan Nelson, Peculiar, recently received a diabetic alert dog to help him monitor his Type 1 diabetes. The dog, a female Australian … The foster mom worked in a facility and went to work with her, as well …
Read more on The Cass County Democrat


Lawyer slams police who tasered 14yo boy

Filed under: cry help drug rehab

"Watching the tape, watching the child crying and screams, and the fact that police weren't really concerned, that was the most distressing part of this incident," he told 7.30. "His treatment is akin to … The region has big social problems fuelled …
Read more on ABC Online


Hit me one more time: Ricky Hatton reveals why he is entering the ring once again

Filed under: cry help drug rehab

Jennifer would get up in the morning, come downstairs, and find me crying my eyes out, holding a knife to my wrist." His partner ….. "In rehab, did they suggest that you give up alcohol altogether?" "They did, yes. I went for help because I was …
Read more on The Independent


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