Sleep Apnea's Double Impact on Stroke

Sleep Apnea's Double Impact On Stroke

Filed under: top stroke rehabil

"This innovative Canadian research continues to show that there is more to learn about rehabilitation and recovery following stroke. Reflecting these advances in tools such as the Best Practices Recommendations for will help improve …
Read more on Medical News Today


The Scientific 'Antiques Roadshow': Hidden Tech-Driven Gems Make America a

Filed under: top stroke rehabil

Military officials didn't bite on that use, but did see potential in the belt as a tool for its physical rehabilitation programs for wounded veterans. Boom! That insight led the team to the medical field, which narrowed into the belt's attractiveness …
Read more on Huffington Post


Toronto Rehab, Calgary Stroke Program receive Distinction status from

Filed under: top stroke rehabil

The Calgary Stroke Program continues to be one of the top stroke programs in Canada and today received a second "Stroke Services Distinction" award from Accreditation Canada. It remains the only comprehensive stroke program in the country with this …


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