SOAR: A Breakthrough Treatment for Fear of Flying

SOAR: A Breakthrough Treatment For Fear Of Flying
I then flew anxiety free for the first time in 22 years. No white knuckle terror, no pounding heart, no being frozen to my seat. I actually enjoyed the flights tremendously which I attribute to both the spiritual work I did as well as the my new-found … Read more on (blog)

Coping with generalized anxiety disorder
There are signs that indicate the need to seek treatment. See a doctor if you feel that your anxiety is interfering with work, relationships and other aspects of your life. You should also get help if you are feeling depressed, abusing alcohol or drugs … Read more on


Caused by Hypothyroidism – General Health – Learn everything you need to know about treating depression caused by Hypothyroidism with a program called “The Hypothyroidism Solution” including its pros a…


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