Social Anxiety: Help to Overcome Shyness


Social Anxiety: Help To Overcome Shyness – Social anxiety can be a crippling state of mind and can prevent people from living fulfilling lives. For some, shyness and fear of taking to or meeting other people can mean they never ever go out. Social anxiety isnt something you were born with, it is something you learned and we know you did not learn it deliberately. The good news is that it does not matter why you are so shy and anxious around people, the mental patterns, the imagined and real fears can be effectively dealt with using hypnosis and NLP. Because we do not waste time talking about your childhood or the and things that have happened to you (if going over the past would have helped you would already be OK), and because we focus on what IS going on in your mind, on the habits you have learned, these techniques often bring about rapid, positive and lasting cure. So it isnt really therapy for social anxiety, it is more a combination of education, training and reconditioning, not so much moving you away from shyness, but moving you towards more balanced and appropriate feelings of confidence. Anyone can learn to overcome shyness, however bad it has been in the past, and the techniques we use have been proven to be effective time and time again with all forms of anxiety and anxiousness, so do get in touch with us for help with these problems, as this treatment, or these treatments, tend to be very effective, very quickly, in the majority of cases. JustBeWell is based in the UK, the USA


Program to help ease anxiety of hospital stays seeks donations
CHILLICOTHE — Easing the stress of a hospital stay for a small child has been the goal of the Caring Hearts Program for the past 28 years. As the program enters its 29th year, it once again needs the public's help to make it a success. The program … Read more on Chillicothe Gazette

Research into post-quake anxiety in children
"My study is under the supervision of UC's Associate Professor Julia Rucklidge and is exploring whether micronutrients can help Canterbury children aged eight to 11 years who are struggling with anxiety. We are looking for a small number of children … Read more on Doctor Online

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