addictive behavior

If I May, I Would Like to Share an Experience With You, and Get Your Thoughts on It?

Question by : If I may, I would like to share an experience with you, and get your thoughts on it? If you’ve noticed me before, you probably already know that I am a Christian =)…and if you’ve noticed me recently, it can’t have escaped your notice that I am staunchly pro-life. Here is my story: About 19 years ago, I was a volunteer in an abortion alternative center in Phoenix, AZ called “The With Child Center”. I truly felt that I was helping to save the lives of unborn babies…and perhaps I was. But that isn’t the point. About that time, my fifteen year old daughter found herself unable to deny her young hormones…and the result was that she came to me when she realized that she had missed her second period, to tell me what had happened. I had taken her with me to the Center before, so she knew what I did there, and she was terrified that I would be angry with her. I told her that we needed to do a test to be sure, but that if she w ...

Addiction Rehab Center: Fight Addiction – Enroll in an Addiction Rehab Center

The number of alcohol addiction cases in the United States is alarmingly high. An increasing number of people are falling prey to alcoholism. Simply out, it refers to the compulsive need for an intoxicating liquid without which an individual experiences withdrawal symptoms like sweating and nausea. Thankfully, there are reputable alcohol rehab centers in the United States that can help addicts take charge of their lives. They offer a number of programs to facilitate quick recovery. Rehab counselors implement a variety of techniques to empower addicts to quit drinking. Read more... ...

Alcohol Problem…medical Forms?

Question by : Alcohol problem…medical forms? I’m 30 and after alcohol causing problems in dental school and with my husband, my mother crying over the phone pleading with me to stop as well as potentially contributing to my chronic hypertension, I decided to try to stop drinking. I have been a daily drinker for 5 years, and over the past 2 years, there has been a fairly drastic increase. I have been drinking 5-8 drinks per night on average for the past year. Read more... ...

Tom’s Story – Webisode 1 of 1

  Tom’s Story – Webisode 1 of 1 – Tom struggled with alcohol dependence for years. Like many others with alcohol dependence he began drinking at a young age. He tried to quit many times, but wasn’t able to until he found the right combination of professional psychosocial care, peer support, medication, and friends & family support. Tom’s recovery plan uses many recovery tools together including a once-a-month medication he gets from his family doctor.   A Collaboration of Behavioral Health Care Plus Addiction Treatment is a … Filed under: alcohol dependence treatment Read more... ...

How to Start a Christian Recovery Group

...  Washington Christian Recovery Program – Transformations Treatment Centers offers a recovery client the chance to participate in individual counseling sessions. When a person is educated and informed about the underlying reasons that lead to addictive behavior, it becomes much easier to transition into a sober life. Through counseling an addict, it is the hope of treatment programs that the individual will grow as a person and be better able to open up to others. Under the guidance and care of trained rehabilitation counselors, an individual is given one-on-one attention and works diligently on ways to effectively resist the temptations of drugs and become clean and sober. For more information, give us a call at 1-866-211-5538 Read ...

Why Wasn’t the Pschyopath From Virginia Tech in a Hospital Somewhere for Mental Health or Rehab Center?

Question by zaggittier: Why wasn’t the pschyopath from Virginia Tech in a hospital somewhere for mental health or rehab center? Couldn’t rehab centers take these type of “gone” people? At least they wouldn’t have knives or guns available to them. Best answer: Answer by angelofdreams19881He simply fell through the cracks, sad but true. It happens way too often! What do you think? Answer below!     The rehab center of Doctor Vorobiev NV – The rehab center of Doctor Vorobiev NV has been succesfully functioning in the territory of The Russian Federation for 15 years. Its branches are situated in Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar, Pyatigorsk. Read more... ...

The Clinician’s Guide to 12-Step Programs: How, When, and Why to Refer a Client

...  Clinician’s Guide to 12-Step Programs: How, When, and Why to Refer a Client A comprehensive overview of major 12-step programs, this practical manual also describes the nuances of the various programs that address the same addictive behavior to assist the clinician in assessing and referring clients to any 12-step program. O List Price: $ 95.00 Price: Related Drug Addiction Treatment Programs Products Tags: addiction treatment program, twelve-step program, related drug addiction treatment programs products the clinician ...