blood sugar levels

Any Ideas on How to Be Most Helpful to Someone With an Eating Disorder?

...  It’s so scary to watch her laboring to breathe, be unable to walk very far, and not know how to help her. Her mother is a weight watcher leader and has not been successful in helping her either. We love her and want her to live and it seems like she doesn’t care if she lives. Her thoughts and conversations are always about food and the next meals that she’s going to eat. She’s bright and manipulative and knows what foods will help her lose weight, control her blood sugar levels, and knows about portion sizes. If any of you have any suggestions that family members can do to help her, they will be so welcome. She takes multiple meds for her multiple health problems, has to use a ventilator, a C-PAP machine, and is now on insulin. Her doctors tell her it’s mandatory that she lose weight and she thinks she’s being picked on. Read ...

Depression and Alcohol: Depression and Alcohol

...  make you feel ten feet tall and bulletproof.  It will make a person forget about those extra five pounds or the boyfriend who decided to go out with his friends on date night. This sounds pretty good so far, right?   Not so fast, the problem with masking depression with alcohol is that what goes up must come down. Carbohydrates when converted by the body to sugar signal an overproduction of insulin. The overproduction of insulin is a defense mechanism designed to neutralize blood sugar levels. For most once the blood sugar high is eliminated their depression returns along with an unsavory friend known as irritability. At this point more alcohol is needed to start the cycle again.   In the end alcohol and depression it is much like putting on a mask only to find when you take it off nothing much has changed. Alcohol is a brain depressant that increases insulin output and interferes with many brain cell processes, thus impacting judgment. While alcohol may ...

Alcohol Detox Diet

Guidelines For Home Detoxification From AlcoholHome alcohol detoxification needs to be planned carefully. Before your detox begins you and your Diet and fluid intake during detoxification Due to excessive sweating and possible vomiting it is … View Document 5th Floor, Charles House, 148/9 Great Charles Street …As a counter to all of the myths and marketing hype accompanying the detox and diet delusions in January, If you have over-indulged on alcohol, for example, the liver works hard to break down the alcohol into products it can remove. … Retrieve Doc Read more... ...