depressed mood

Fits of What Seems Like Teenage Depression?

Question by rbw_cynical: Fits of what seems like teenage depression? Okay, so sometimes, usually around 3-4 times a week, I just fall into a very heavy, depressed state. Factors usually include school stress, sometimes trouble with parents, liking somebody who isn’t available. This doesnt really seem like medical depression, it could just be teenage hormones. This has been happening for no more than 2.5 weeks. I just want to know how close this sounds to being a medical issue. Ask viable questions in answers and ill post info. 15 year old GUY. Best answer: Read more... ...

Mood Disorder Treatment: Bipolar Disorder Symptoms and Treatment

Bipolar disorder or as it is also called manic depression is a psychiatric illness that leads to dramatic and unpredictable swings in a person’s mood, energy, thinking and behavior for a long period of time. Unlike ordinary mood shifts, the mood changes of bipolar disorder are extremely intense and affect your ability to function. There are 2 absolutely contrasting phases: bipolar mania en bipolar depression. Very often they occur together and called “mixed state”, but in between these mood swings people with bipolar disorder lead a normal life. Read more... ...

What Is an Example of an Operational Definition of “depression”?

...  by Brice R: what is an example of an operational definition of “depression”? In terms of psychology….. Best answer: Answer by HonoriaOperational Definition of the Concept of Depression: DSM-IV-R Criteria for Major Depressive Disorder: At least five of the following symptoms are present during the same period. At least (1) depressed mood or (2) loss of interest or pleasure must be present. Symptoms are present most of the day, nearly daily for at least 2 weeks. Read ...