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Why Is God Holding Us at Gunpoint to Play His Great “Guessing Game”?

by prettydaisies Question by Evan: Why is God holding us at gunpoint to play his great “Guessing Game”? God puts on earth where there’s literally thousands of different religions all claiming to be %100 true. Each religion has little more than a book and the word of it’s followers. Anyone who claims to be a prophet looks exactly the same as all the other prophets of other religions, and hence I have no way to differentiate a false prophet from a real one (and please don’t feed me that Matthew 7:15 stuff, there’s many ‘false prophets’ who live moral lives and do not grain anything from their prophesies). When people tell me to ask God what religion to follow, they only tell me because they’re sure that their religion will be the one I go to. If a Catholic told me to pray to find out which faith to follow, and I came back telling him that God told me to be a Hindu, then he’d assume that I did not hear from God. The population s ...

Mental Illness: the Tragedy of Mental Illness

by chuck.taylor When we see a homeless man begging on the side of the road it evokes different emotions in us. If he appears out of touch with reality, we feel fear. If he is an alcoholic and begging for money, we feel anger, assuming his alcoholism is what landed him on the streets in the first place. What we don’t realize is that in many instances, people who are homeless are often mentally ill and on no medication. It is common for drugs and alcohol to be used in an attempt to self medicate, leading to addiction problems. Read more... ...

Jehovah’s Witnesses:why Dont You Follow Jesus’ Example & Get Baptised Well After Your “Bloom of Youth”

by Digitalorthodoxy Question by ~testube Jebus~: Jehovah’s Witnesses:why dont you follow jesus’ example & get baptised well after your “bloom of youth” JW kids have to wait to start any kind of romantic relationship till after they are well old enough to know how to handle thier feelings and marriage love..bla bla…but why not encourage kids to think deeply & wait till beyond thier youths so they know EXACTLY what they are dedicating themselves to. ive seen kids as young as 8 getting dunked. do you really think that is appropriate? would you of signed a binding contract at that age? serious question. not trying to be rude. i am so sorry lioness. i dont know why they seem to think pressuring kids into baptism is a good thing. it does exist because i saw it myself. im sorry line dancer but i have to disagree with you on that one~ i childs mind is still developing at an early stage. how do they know what is good for them at that age? they dont ev ...

Scripps Research Study Finds Drug Effective in Curbing Cravings for Alcohol

...  Research Study Finds Drug Effective In Curbing Cravings For Alcohol – There are an estimated 18 million problem drinkers in the United States. Frequent heavy drinking takes a major toll on one’s health and wellbeing. KPBS Healt…   Ke$ ha's Rehab Stint May Also Include Alcohol Abuse Treatment … to battle all of her demons in the New Year. So in addition to getting help for an eating disorder, the “Timber” singer, whose friends and family are worried she may have a drinking problem, will reportedly seek additional treatment for alcohol … Read more on Hollywood Life Read ...

Depression Symptoms: Depression Symptoms

by SoulRider.222 Depression symptoms are easy to overlook for both the person suffering from the depression and their friends and family. With today’s knowledge about depression, their is no need for the person experiencing these symptoms to suffer. One common symptom of depression is a long period of sadness or simply not feeling up to it no matter what the activity. This moping around and constant state of sadness is probably the number one sign of depression. Another common symptom is a pessimistic attitude toward most things. A person going through depression will feel and act as if they have nothing ...

Mental Health Treatment Center: Wise Tips of Mental Health Treatments

More and more Americans of different ages suffer from mental illness. As with other illnesses such as heart disease or diabetes, early detection and intensive treatment are often the keys to recovery and a productive life. Mental illnesses are biologically based brain disorders that have absolutely nothing to do with a person’s character, upbringing or intelligence. Because every person is different and has different strengths and needs, every person with a mental illness needs an individual treatment plan that is suitable for them. Read more... ...

Medications for Bipolar Disorder: Bipolar Affective Disorder Triggers and Medications

Manic depression or now called bipolar affective disorder, have millions of people suffering from this mood disorder. Mood swings are but natural, but this mood disorder is way beyond the normal experiences of people. The disorder is characterized by extreme low depression and highs of an elated mood or mania. The frequency usually varies from one individual to another. The cause of bipolar affective disorder is not yet established although experts claim that it has something to do with genetics and hormonal levels. There are also cases when other acquired illnesses of an individual cause bipolar disorder. Read more... ...