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Is He a Compulsive Liar? 10 POINTS?

...  he was telling me and 2 of our mutural friends about how he got another girl pregnant and what not…and I just snapped! I’m not a fake person and I refuse to listen to a bunch of bulls*it. I put him in his place and he got pissed. Ever since then we’ve been “frenemies.” The other day he show’d the whole class the “ultra- sound” picture on his phone…he also showed me. I memorized the picture and looked up “ultra-sound pictures” on google images…and I found the EXACT same picture. Why is he lying about this? Again and again? Feedback? Thanks. Read ...

How Does Someone Get Depressed for No Reason?

Question by Kevboy: How does someone get depressed for no reason? Multiple online “credible” resources say that. How is that possible? Best answer: Answer by DemonicDepression is an imbalance of chemicals in your brain. That’s why it’s possible. :) Answer by HagenIt’s very common and is often due to chemical imbalances in the brain. It can usually be cured by administering drugs to counter the imbalance. [Update] Gardensallday – explain to me how injections of serotonin provide 100% cure in many cases. Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!   Read more... ...