gulf war syndrome

What Were Some of the Main Causes for the American Great Depression. “History”?

Question by R#ymunDo: What were some of the main causes for the american great depression. “History”? can u explain in cause and effect? Best answer: Answer by Gary DVery similar to our current situations more people were playing the stock market and the values got very inflated. This was driven by a newly expanding industry of the rail roads. To spare you the long exasperated details the stocks fell sharply and people did a “run on the banks” to take their money out. The banks as policy only had a percentage of the deposits on hand and people freaked out and banks ran out of money quickly. this started the whole process. There are a lot more details but this starts it out. delve into it cause their are tons of circumstances that went into this. Read more... ...

What BP Doesn't Want You to Know About the 2010 Gulf Spill

by dmixo6 What BP Doesn't Want You to Know About the 2010 Gulf Spill “These are the same symptoms experienced by soldiers who returned from the Persian Gulf War with Gulf War syndrome,” says Dr. Michael Robichaux, a Louisiana physician and former state senator, who treated Griffin and 113 other patients with similar … Read more on Newsweek Meditation as an Adjunct Therapy in Treating Mental Illness Another book on the benefits of meditation, Transcendence, by Norman E. Rosenthal, clearly states that meditation for mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia should only be administered in conjunction with medication and therapy and ...