high blood pressure

Medical Help ASAP?

...  by strndmkin06: Medical Help ASAP? Ok can someone tell me wuts u thnk the problem is…a freind of mine juss told me today that lately the left side of her body starts to shake..like her legs n arms…she told me tht when her leg chekc it feels like her leg is about to give out…i guess the same feelin goes fo her arms n stuff to…im really concerned…also she had high blood pressure and she only 17, shes a smoker also(weed)..so ne insite on wut this might b would really b helpful Best answer: Read ...

How Anxiety or Stress Can Make World Stink

How anxiety or stress can make world stink Washington: Researchers have used powerful new brain imaging technologies to reveal how anxiety or stress can rewire the brain, linking centers of emotion and olfactory processing, to make typically benign smells malodorous. … reports that the brains … Read more on Zee News How Spirituality Helps to Manage Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) As a mental health professional who also has post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after spending over 22 years in the fire service, I have tried many “alternative” methods to treat my own anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Alternative treatment methods I … Read more on PsychCentral.com (blog) Read more... ...

Why Did My Bunny Die in a Strange Manner?

Question by Sabrina: Why did my bunny die in a strange manner? I brought home a small bunny 2 days ago almost and he was nervous, but she grew used to my house. I would lay her on my chest while watching a movie and I put her in a ball to get her excercise for about 10 minutes at a time when she got hyper. But she would only drink water if I put it in a small bowl and would only eat the grass from outside, so I put some grass in her bowl. Read more... ...

I Got My Tetanus Shot in My Left Arm Friday and Am Wondering if What I Feel Today Is Normal Side Effects.?

Question by 35mom3: I got my tetanus shot in my left arm Friday and am wondering if what I feel today is normal side effects.? I woke up Saturday with a screaming head ache, major neck pain and shoulder pain in the opposite shoulder – it feels like I injured my rotator cuff, and cannot turn my head to the right. I have been alternating between Tylenol and ibuprofen every 3-4 hours, but nothing is making the pain better. Is this normal? Best answer: Read more... ...

Physical Medical and Rehabilitation: What Is Medical Rehabilitation?

Though people who need physical therapy are in contact with their PTs in the course of their physical rehabilitation rather than with their doctors, the fact is that one cannot undergo a course of rehabilitation procedure without a consult with a legitimate PM&R or rehab doctor. A cardiac patient who underwent a coronary bypass will be likely referred by his cardiologist to a rehab doctor to get back into shape so to speak. A patient who recovered from a stroke that affected his motor skill, would be referred by his neurologist to a rehab doctor gain back some of his lost mobility. Read more... ...

Columbia Virtual Academy-Naselle

...  Virtual Academy-Naselle – CVA-Naselle Teachers Talk About The Job…   Mayor wants dismal health stats fixed in five years Obesity leads to increased risk for diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, strokes and heart attacks. "My challenge is aggressive, but by working together, I believe we can achieve our goals," Beutler said. "Five years from now, I want … Read more on Lincoln Journal Star Memorial gets accreditation in rehab services The Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities gave Memorial three-year accreditations in comprehensive inpatient rehabilitation for adults, children and adolescents; brain injury ...

Alcohol Intervention by Brad Lamm Interventionist

...  Intervention by Brad Lamm Interventionist – Visit http://www.intervention-interventionist.com/Alcohol-Intervention.html and learn more about Interventions for alcohol abuse. Alcoholism and addicton has…   New technology lets York Hospital surgeon remove clots after stroke "This has really changed the face of stroke intervention." As she demonstrated the technology, she held in her … Causes of stroke include high blood pressure, diabetes, cigarette smoking and excessive alcohol use. Symptoms can be sudden and include … Read more on York Dispatch Read ...