jack bauer

Private Drug Rehab Center: Select a Quality Private Drug Rehab Center

Choosing a drug rehabilitation center can become complicated as well as challenging if you don’t fully understand the best points for which to look. Be it for yourself or a person you love, you want to try to get the best fit to start with. Dealing with addictive problems can be a heart wrenching process, and you need the very best chance for success. Oftentimes, when people enter a drug rehabilitation program, they suffer relapses after they resume their normal daily activities. This is why it can be doubly crucial that you choose the right service, given it may become far more costly, and not to mention psychologically draining, to need to do the program multiple times. Read more... ...

Kiefer Sutherland Drug Abuse: Kiefer Sutherland Horoscope

Kiefer Sutherland Introduction Kiefer William Fredrick Dempsey George Rufus Sutherland was born on 21 December 1966 in Marylebone, UK. He is the most successful Canadian actor, producer and director, best known for his portrayal of Jack Bauer on the Fox thriller drama series 24. He is an Emmy Award and Golden Globe award-winner. He is the son of Canadian actors Donald Sutherland and Shirley Douglas. He has starred in Japanese commercials for Calorie Mate, performing a parody of his Jack Bauer character. Since 2001, Sutherland has been associated most widely with the role of Jack Bauer, on the critically acclaimed television series 24. Read ...