mental health advocacy

On Torrey’s Career in Mental Health Advocacy

...  Torrey’s career in mental health advocacy – The experience of mental health patients remains largely unknown to those outside of the mental illness treatment system. E. Fuller Torrey, author of America…   Renaming 'Mental Illness' to 'Brain Disorder' Will Not Erase the Stigma If we truly care about helping people with mental illnesses, what we will do is ensure they are treated better. We will stand up for their rights. We will pass laws that ensure that people with mental illness ...

Dealing With Depression & Anxiety

  Dealing with Depression & Anxiety – A video blog that I hope will help people dealing with depression and anxiety disorder. I dealt with my own personal demons in the past and I hope that other people watching this will be inspired to help themselves and gain a new perspective on their issues. It’s important to recognize that your not alone and that their are people, services, organizations and professionals who can help you. Talk to your friends and family and your doctor and remember that you are a significant person who deserves to be happy and deserves to get the most out of life. Be strong. Read more... ...

Mental Health Residential Treatment

Behavioral Health Services DirectoryAs part of the Adult Mental Health Services Residential Care and HousingProgram, Shelter Plus Care and a ninety-day residential treatment and up to six month outpatient treatment program for adult … Doc Viewer SUPPLEMENTAL GUIDELINES FOR MENTAL HEALTH UTILIZATION …Reasonable, documented treatment within a less restrictive setting has been provided by a mental health professional, and/or careful consideration of treatment within a less restrictive environment than that of a Residential Treatment Facility for Adults, … Get Document Read more... ...