reality television

Reality Rehab With Dr. Jenn: Webisode 3: The Real Housewife

  Reality Rehab with Dr. Jenn: Webisode 3: The Real Housewife – Welcome to Reality Rehab with Dr. Jenn, where your favorite reality TV stock characters get deprogrammed–a web series trailer for Reality Bites Back: The Troubling Truth About Guilty Pleasure TV (Seal Press, Nov. 1). In this webisode, The Real Housewife (one of seven Reality Rehab cast members) explains that although she doesn’t know what “homogeneous” means, her friendships are actually much more supportive than it seems on Bravo,whose producers instruct her to focus her on-air conversations on “More brand names, less deep thought!” Her media literacy therapy includes a case study in Frankenbite editing–a must-see for every reality TV fan! Watch the main trailer …and stay tuned for six additional webisodes, one for each cast member. Meet the cast & producers and learn about the book here: And “LIKE” R ...

A Friend Is Obsessed With “rehab” & “Interventions”. She Takes Xanax & Drinks, Sometimes Talkes Suicidal. Help?

Question by plz help my friend: a friend is obsessed with “rehab” & “Interventions”. She takes xanax & drinks, sometimes talkes suicidal. help? A “friend” of hers gives her HER Xanax and she takes them all the time. I don’t know exactly how much because I’m not with her everyday but I know it’s alot. She also drinks when she takes them which worries us that she will overdose and kill herself. She’s been depressed lately and has brought up suicide to another friend. When we try to talk to her, she gets super moody and says she’s fine, walks away/changes the subject/has to go-anything. She’s also obsessed with books that have to do with drugs and “Intervention” and “Celebrity Rehab”. Her closest friends have all noticed it but we don’t know how to help. Do we call a rehab facility? Do we call a doctor? If so, what kind? Is it a drug thing or a depression thing? How do we help? ...