restless leg syndrome

Outpatient Alcohol Treatment: Best Outpatient Alcohol Treatment Centers

The goal of the best outpatient alcohol treatment centers is the establishment of individuals who are in need of assistance in helping them live a life without being addicted to drugs like alcohol. Programs in general have been made up and three different phases are at the core of the best programs that are aimed above all else at not only treating the individual, but also the entire family as well. These phases include detoxification, and rehabilitation, and continuing long term of outpatient alcohol treatment. Read more... ...

Outpatient Drug and Alcohol Treatment: Best Outpatient Alcohol Treatment Centers

The goal of the best outpatient alcohol treatment centers is the establishment of individuals who are in need of assistance in helping them live a life without being addicted to drugs like alcohol. Programs in general have been made up and three different phases are at the core of the best programs that are aimed above all else at not only treating the individual, but also the entire family as well. These phases include detoxification, and rehabilitation, and continuing long term of outpatient alcohol treatment. Read more... ...

Inpatient Psychiatric Hospitals: Psychiatric Patient Hospital Grievance

Have you ever been mistreated by a hospital, doctor, or other medical personnel? You are not powerless. I recently wrote the following grievance against a hospital which detained me against my will, restrained me, and put me in a room secluded from other patients. If these events can happen to a man who has written and published a book on Bipolar Disorder, has a masters degree in psychology, and spent one year in Law School, they can happen to just about anybody. We need to know our rights and how to legally stand up for ourselves.   Read more... ...

What Do You Think of My Story? Why I Hate Psychiatrists?

...  loosely, because there is no real way to diagnose mental illness. It is all subjective and depends on what the doctor thinks. Anyways, in the three years I’ve had this illness, I have been on at least 10 different medications. Most did nothing for me, or produced side effects so severe, I couldn’t get out of bed. Lithium made my TSH levels go up to over 24 and gave me hypothyroidism. Wellbutrin made me so depressed, I tried to kill myself. Geodon gave me restless leg syndrome. You can see where I’m going with this. Read ...

Diagnosing and Treating Mood Disorders in Primary Care

  Diagnosing and Treating Mood Disorders in Primary Care – Dr. Robert McCarron of UC Davis gives an overview of the diagnosis and treatment of mood disorders in the primary care setting. Up to 60% of the mental health care in the US is provided by primary care physicians, yet many physicians are untrained in this area and are not comfortable with prescribing psychiatric medicines. This presentation gives an overview of what PCPs need to know to practice effectively in this area. Series: UC Grand Rounds [1/2010] [Health and Medicine] [Professional Medical Education] [Show ID: 17801] Read more... ...