treatments for depression

Our Age of Anxiety

Our Age of Anxiety The physician Silas Weir Mitchell famously prescribed a "rest cure" for female neurasthenics, to slow down their dangerous mental activity and forcibly restore them to a traditionally passive feminine role. Neurasthenic men, however, were encouraged to … Read more on Chronicle of Higher Education (subscription) Don't jump to conclusions: expert provides top tips for parents of struggling … These can include falling behind in school, displaying problem behaviour, dropping out of school, trying drugs, becoming involved in crime or ending up with depression. … This can eliminate the need for tutoring or serve as an alternative to … Read more on My Sunshine Coast (press release) (blog) Read more... ...

What Are the Different Behavioural Treatments for Depression?

...  by girl: What are the different behavioural treatments for depression? EXCEPT CBT (cognitive-behavioural therapy) !! are there any others ? Or is CBT the only “behavioural” treatment… Best answer: Read ...

Psychiatrists, Instead of Being Embarrassed by Placebo Effect, Should Embrace

...  Instead of Being Embarrassed by Placebo Effect, Should Embrace … My research persuaded me that the placebo effect (which I have written about here and here) accounts for most if not all of the benefits of psychotherapy and drug treatments for depression. Brown provoked a furor among his colleagues by proposing that … Read more on Scientific American (blog) Iraqi Children: Deprived Rights, Stolen Future As a consequence, they suffer from a wide range of behavioral disturbances and trauma-related stress reactions such as sleep disorders, agitated and hyperactive behavior, social withdrawal, depression, anxiety, as well as developmental and eating … Read more on Center for Research on Globalization Read ...

Delray Recovery Center Offers New Gestalt Therapy Program for Addiction

Delray Recovery Center Offers New Gestalt Therapy Program for Addiction … Florida's Delray Recovery Center offers drug and alcohol addiction treatments as well as programs for eating disorders and co-occurring disorders including depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder. The center is offering a new Gestalt therapy program … Read more on PR Web (press release) Anxiety more common than depression after pregnancy Experts estimate that many tens of thousands of people in the United States die each year from medical errors, unproven treatments, bad diagnoses and preventable problems such as bedsores. Experts estimate that many tens of thousands of people in the … Read more on Read more... ...

Acne Problems, but Regular Meds Aggravate Chronic Depressive Disorder?

Question by ferrisulf: Acne problems, but regular meds aggravate chronic depressive disorder? I am suffering from what I now believe is either nodular acne or a mild form of cystic acne. Everything the dermatologist has recommended has aggravated a chronic condition I have called unipolar disorder (similar to bipolar 2) At its worst the unipolar disorder makes me suicidal. I have found ways to keep it in check for the most part, but these medications make the depression come back. Read more... ...

Alternative Treatments for Depression

...  Treatments for Depression –   Royal Oak center uses yoga to treat eating disorders ROYAL OAK — The health benefits of yoga make it a popular alternative therapy for dealing with back pain, depression and stress. Teens use yoga therapy to strike a balance between mind and body as they deals with. Yoga improves flexibility, balance, … Read more on The Macomb Daily Read ...

Herbal Remedies for Depression, Pms & Hot Flashes – Herbal Treatments [Natural Remedies For

...  Remedies For Depression, Pms & Hot Flashes – Herbal Treatments [Natural Remedies For – natural remedies for depression for Natural Remedy For Depression All Natural Depression Remedy natural treatment for de cure depression naturally natural remedies depress Natural Health Remedies treatments for depression how to cure depression how to treat depression cure major depression cure for depression alternative medicine Natural Anxiety Cure herbal remedies depression treatment natural supplements natural depressions herbal supplements natural treatment sinus infections herbal treatment anti-depressants antidepressants st. john’s wort treatments natural healing herbal medicine medicinal herbs orthomolecular blood pressure natural health natural cures ...