ut southwestern

Physical Therapy for Stroke Patients: Stroke Physical Therapy: Freedom From Immobility

Stroke Physical Therapy is widely used for patients to help them slowly regain mobility after a stroke. After a stroke, it is common to lose mobility and control which can take a long time to regain. Undergoing the after effects of a stroke is very frustrating since you basically have to relearn how to do the everyday activities you are used to. That is why there are several fitness centers in NC that offer specialized programs for those recovering from a stroke. It will not be a quick or easy process, but proper exercise can help you regain most if not all of your former range of motion and control. There are several exercises that were created for stroke patients to help in restoring independent movement. Right after a stroke, it is common for patients to be unable to move at all. These exercises are designed to start very simply. As movement slowly returns and strength is built back up in the body, these exercises slowly become more challenging. Eventually, patients are able to wal ...

Why Would Someone Need to Take Antipsychotics and Antidepressants?

Question by Lisa: Why would someone need to take antipsychotics and antidepressants? Would this be bipolar disorder or something else? Thanks. Yes, but I’m wondering about takin them BOTH at the same time. It seems weird that someone would be on antipsychotics to treat depression… I may be wrong though! Best answer: Answer by MelissaSchizophrenia, depression, anxiety disorders, etc. There are a myriad if reasons why people need to take medications like these. Answer by RavenMy bipolar friend takes 6 or 7 different meds. everyday. 2 are anti-psychotics, 2 are anti-depressants, and 2 are specifically for anxiety. The anti-psychotics are to enhance the antidepressants effects. Read more... ...

Peppard: Bloomberg Ups Its Estimate of Dallas' (Almost) $15 Billion Woman

...  Bloomberg ups its estimate of Dallas' (almost) billion woman … An American Idol film crew recently came to Dallas to get shots of Peters, who specializes in physical medicine and rehabilitation. “The show filmed me for a day here at UT Southwestern and at the Dallas VA,” he says. Originally from Fort Worth, Peters … Read more on Dallas Morning News Read ...