The Fracking Debate: Environmental Destruction or a Way to Stop Global Warming

by Leorex

The Fracking Debate: Environmental Destruction or a Way to Stop Global Warming
The economic boom associated with gas drilling, driving unemployment rates as low as 3% in some areas (USA Today, 12/21/2012), has many unemployed or low-income people looking to the industry for jobs or to lease their land to find some economic relief … Read more on Socialist Alternative

Geithner's Legacy: Contention Through Financial Storms
Not since the Great Depression had an administration inherited so many grave financial threats at once. To many, Geithner deserves credit for helping steady the banking system and helping restore investor confidence. … In the bleakest days of the … Read more on


Natural Relief for – If you watch TV commercials like most people do, it seems we have an epidemic of depression and anxiety in our country. That may be true; did you know that you can relieve depression and anxiety with making changes to your diet and adding key nutrients? Many of the symptoms of depression can be directly linked to vitamin and mineral deficiencies lacking in our diets. Avoiding depression and anxiety or recovering from an episode is often as easy as changing what you eat and boosting your consumption of key foods that deliver brain-boosting nutrients and help regulate brain chemistry. Research has shown that depressed people often lack a fatty acid known as EPA which is an Omega-3 fatty acids found in Fish and fish oil supplements. Participants in a 2002 study featured in the Archives of General Psychiatry took just a gram of fish oil each day and noticed a 50-percent decrease in symptoms such as anxiety, sleep disorders, feelings of sadness, suicidal thoughts, and low libido. Get omega-3s through walnuts, flaxseed and oily fish like salmon or tuna. You should also avoid caffeine, smoking and foods high in fat and sugar. These stress the body by disrupting blood sugar and deplete all your B Vitamins. Getting B vitamins is so important for stabilizing your mood and handling stress. And let’s face it; anxiety is a direct result of stress. So where do you get your B Vitamins, from animal meat. Turkey, chicken and red meat. Another cause of depression


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