Urban Outfitters Pulls 'Depression' Shirt From Shelves, Says It's Sorry (Again)

Urban Outfitters Pulls 'Depression' Shirt From Shelves, Says It's Sorry (Again)
Urban Outfitters (@UrbanOutfitters) January 5, 2014 · In a longer tweet, Urban stated, "We're sorry to those offended by the tee we bought from the @DEPRESSIONcomsg brand. We were trying to support a small brand, not glamorize mental illness in any way. Read more on

Depression over the holiday season can affect students
“People that are depressed feel a lack of connection. People that have a support system, tend to not be depressed,” Wei said. Wei said the upcoming winter break has two different effects on students. It can either make them less depressed or more … Read more on Iowa State Daily


Postpartum Depression Support – http://PostPartumDepressionFix.com It is common knowledge among healthcare providers that postnatal depression (PND) and postpartum depression (PPD) can caus…


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