What Does Occupational Therapists Work Involve?

Question by Solongsolo: What does occupational therapists work involve?
I am interested in nursing, physiotherapy, psychology, management and administration, but I don’t know which one to do!

Does it involve some of these? If it does then it would be a perfect career for me because I could explore different job roles from experience, then maybe move into a more specific area.
If it doesn’t then what can I do that invoves most of these?

Best answer:

Answer by jannsody
OTs aim at helping patients with any type of disability or injury to perform their daily living skills or ADLs (activities of daily living) with more independence. (ADLs mainly refers to dressing, bathing, feeding oneself.) The job of an OT may be both mentally and physically draining but rewarding as well.

For general career info (pertaining to the US): http://www.bls.gov/oco and can search.

Before deciding to pursue the field, please job shadow/observe in the various areas that OTs may work including a center for patients with a traumatic brain injury (TBI), stroke (“brain attack”) which is another type of brain injury, spinal cord injury/paralysis, hip replacement or hip surgery or such — a nursing home/long-term care facilitiy — psychiatric facility — outpatient clinic/hand therapy/splinting — local hospital or such.

How about volunteering at the local hospital to learn about the various professions while helping others :)

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