What Foods Are Recommended/discouraged for One With Blood Type AB Negative?

Question by EddK1ng: What foods are recommended/discouraged for one with blood type AB negative?
I recently read an article explaining that a person with a blood type AB (+/-) should eat certain foods that will benefit their bodies more; that their organs, based on their blood components, will break down easier, or something along those lines. It also mentioned foods a AB blood type person should avoid, as certain foods will be harder to digest and will clog the body system, and I would rather not have that. Does anyone know what foods a person with blood type AB should eat/avoid?

The website only gave a few examples. I am not one who likes to stay eating the same foods daily. I love mixing it up a lot. If you didn’t assume or already know, I have blood type AB negative.

Best answer:

Answer by spacye
this is a very interesting question, i have never even thought about it. it stands to reason that since people with AB blood, i am one, have all blood types, that we could eat a larger variety of foods then people with a single blood type.

Type AB
Type AB blood was the last to evolve. Dieters with type AB blood can eat foods allowed by the diet plans for blood types A and B. These individuals should eat a variety of foods, including tofu, low-fat dairy products, green vegetables, fruits, legumes and fish. People with type AB blood should avoid caffeine, alcohol, cured meats, smoked meats, kidney beans and lima beans.

Type A
Type A blood evolved when humans migrated into Europe and Asia and began to develop stable communities. The movement away from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle allowed early humans to grow grains and other crops. As a result, people with blood type A should eat a primarily vegetarian diet with plenty of grains, vegetables and soy protein, according to D’Adamo. Eliminating meat and animal products from your diet supposedly boosts immune system functioning, increases energy and promotes weight loss.

Type B
As early humans moved from eastern Africa to the highlands of Central Asia, blood type B evolved. Blood type B frequently occurs in Japanese, Mongolian, Chinese, Indian and Western European people. The people of Central Asia relied on domesticating animals for food. Thus, people with blood type B should eat a blend of vegetables, dairy products and specific meats. D’Adamo recommends eating goat, lamb, rabbit, venison, eggs, low-fat dairy products and green vegetables. Foods containing corn, buckwheat, lentils, wheat, tomatoes, peanuts and sesame seeds supposedly cause and immune system problems for this blood type

on dadamo.com, look under the “online support” tab and click “recipes” there you will find a long list of good things you can have, i found this site very informative.
thnx for bringing this to my attention.

Answer by La Finita
This plan has been discredited. Not scientific. For food, use your experiences to make best choices.

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