What, in Your Opinion, Is the Best and Safest Medication to Treat Depression in Adolescents?

Question by getawayfromMK: What, in your opinion, is the best and safest medication to treat depression in adolescents?
Which anti-depressants have your adolescents been prescribed, and how did they work? Were there any dangerous side-effects?

If you are a healthcare professional and prescribe anti-depressants, what anti-depressants would you recommend, based on the least dangerous side-effects and effectiveness?

Best answer:

Answer by Willy\
I’m 16 & i use to be a student councilor in my secondary school.

I must say the safest medication, and the best, to treat depression is no drugs!

Set his posure right. Get the teen to start talking, let him express his feelings and everything. Help him vent his frustrations and anger in a healthy manner. Help him see things in a new light. Let him know he has your support and he should talk to you about anything.

Lots of talking and interaction will lift him up. No side-effects.
Drugs may make the teen even more miserable. He will be thinking some of these.
“i’m pyshco & i’m taking medication”
“i’m not normal”
etc etc….

Answer by jdm6235

And a purpose to delicate themselves too.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Lexapro is working! – my anti is working…

