What Is So Wrong With Being an Alcoholic?

Question by Dick Richards: What is so wrong with being an alcoholic?
I am never late for work. I don’t drink on the job. I have worked from ground up with this same company for 20 plus years and now am in upper management. Yes, I drink to relax and have fun and do drink everyday to some extent. I know when to quit. But, some still would call me an alcoholic. As long as I can function (WHICH I HAVE FOR 25 YEARS OF DRINKING) then I dont see a big deal about it. Would you consider me an alcoholic?
No, I am not trying to rationalize. I don’t want to stop and am telling you I FUNCTION perfect. Why should I stop because of society thinking I am a drunk. I am perfectly fine with it.

Best answer:

Answer by bmac
Can you say DENIAL? You sound like every other alcoholic out there who wants to rationalize their drinking.

You’re an alcoholic if you drink every day. So, stop drinking. If you find that you can’t NOT drink, or that when you aren’t drinking all you do is think about it…..then that will prove it to you.

Answer by Jen
if you dont think its a problem, and no one else around you thinks its a problem, then i guess not. but there are people out there that it does affect. if affects their work! their personal lives! their families! it endangers other peoples lives as well as their own! so there are a SH!T LOAD of things wrong with being an alcoholic!

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CBT role play- alcohol dependence 1 role play Alcohol Dependence.


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