What Is the Best Cure for Anxiety?

Question by : What is the best cure for anxiety?

I got anxiety, and a compolsury disorder & I am 15, is anxiety common, and how long do you have it for? Is their treatment?


I am a Christian, please read your Bible, and believe in God.

Best answer:

Answer by D W
HI, I work on crisis team for dept of mental health. I can tell you there is no specific cure for anxiety disorders or panic attacks. you can talk to your pcp and they may prescribe medications for you that can help or recommend or you may want to talk to they can prescribe medications that could help as well. you mentioned that you are 15 you should talk to your parents too. there are support groups for people who have anxiety issues and panic attacks that might help you as well. but there is no cure, you can treat the symptoms

Answer by Sad
Anxiety isn’t something like the flu or chicken pox that’ll go away after a while. Depending on what type of anxiety you have, you may be forced to just work with whatever makes you anxious or your doctor can give you anti-anxiety medicine.

Stop believing that life is just a test for the afterlife and it’ll all go away. Forget God. He’s nothing more than a fairy tale used to make childen be good. He’s exactly like Santa Clause, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny.

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02 01 10 1855


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