What Kind of Physician Should I See About a Vicodin Addiction?

Question by Shell Laylee: What kind of physician should I see about a Vicodin addiction?
I’m a 22 year old female trying to kick a 2 year long vicodin addiction. I’m not sure what kind of physician to see or where to go. There are outpatient clinics that specialize in addiction and I also have a psychiatrist but both of whom are unable to see me for another month. Is there any way that a family practitioner or a pain specialist could help me out? If so, how do u think they would go about treatment? Any advice is appreciated,
much love

Best answer:

Answer by 5th Horseman
I think rehab would be right up your alley.

Answer by Murf
See if there are any meetings in your area. They should be able to help.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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