Who, When & Where First Used the Word “depression” to Denote a Dysfunctional Human State?

Question by vhvme: Who, when & where first used the word “depression” to denote a dysfunctional human state?
I hope someone knows where “depression” was first used to describe the human state of low mood, hopelessness, suicidal ideas, emotional misery etc.

Best answer:

Answer by James C
EVE in the Garden of Eden Or was it the car makers of today?
Probably a negative human that has not discovered, High Moods, Hopefulness or other positive outlooks?

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Acupuncture for Depression : Acupuncture for Hallucinations: Bladder 1 – Some depression can cause hallucinations that can be treated with acupuncture. Learn how to trigger the bladder one acupuncture point for hallucination symptoms of depression with tips from an acupuncturist in this free traditionalChinese medicine video. Expert: LI Zheng Bio: Li Zheng is a graduate of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. She got a Ph.D. in biomedical science from the Medical College of Ohio and was a researcher trained at MGH and Harvard Medical School. Filmmaker: Christian Munoz-Donoso


Hamilton's Phil Salvi found his cure for depression in Christmas
The 71-year-old has been holiday decorating since September in a bid to his shake postsurgery depression. More than 13,000 lights and wire frame figures at 120 Fusilier Dr., in the area of Stone Church Road East and Upper Wellington Street, stops … Read more on Hamilton Spectator

Woman in custody battle for depression-fighting pigs
Thursday, December 13, 2012 2:41 PM EST. Updated: Thursday, December 20, 2012 2:41 PM EST. Cindy Davis has battled depression made worse by the suicides of and said her pigs help her cope more than anything. (Source: WTXF/FOX) … Read more on WBRC

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