Why the Future of Health Care May Depend on Tearing Down the Hospital

Why the future of health care may depend on tearing down the hospital
In the past few years, Mr. Doss has broken a hip, suffered a stroke and battled countless infections. Although support … Instead of having imposing, difficult-to-navigate monoliths that handle people after they have already fallen into a medical … Read more on The Globe and Mail

Making Ellena's wish come true
However, the 10-hour operation led to the Burrowmoor School pupil suffering a stroke, which left her unable to use the left hand side of her body. She has undergone months of physiotherapy to get her back in shape and has made good progress. However … Read more on Fenland Citizen

Stroke unit opens at KGH
"By having all the patients (centralized) in one place, we pick up a tremendous amount of efficiency by not having a therapist go to this ward or that ward," said Falconer, a stroke neurologist. "If I make a stroke round on … A hundred staff … Read more on The Daily Courier (subscription)

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