Will MRI Show if I Have Some Kind of Nerve Damage?

Question by doodywae: will MRI show if i have some kind of nerve damage?
i have been having some different health problems for quite a while now. i have something going on with my back and legs. i have 2 sore spots on left side of spine “i think might be bulging discs”. I have pain in lower back and find it very difficult to lean over the kitchen sink for more than a couple of minutes and then it’s difficult for me to straighten up and painful. other times when the lower back is bothering me it seems to happen more when sitting have pain in my right buttock that radiates down to about the middle of my thigh on the back side but when i’m standing it sometimes feels like something is pulling in the arch of my foot or bend of knee. after going to bed my hips hurt mostly down to my knees but sometimes down to the ankles. so i do a lot of moving around in the bed just trying to get into a restful position. i have tender ness on the sides of legs and around the hip areas.
i have seen a couple of orthopedics that have ordered a little physical therapy “which only helps for the moment” but none of the orthopedic doctors has ever tried to figure out what the real problem is, they don’t seem to be interested enough to look @ the whole picture. i have had some x-ray and blood work that did not show anything. i am not crazy. my body tells me every day that something is wrong. i have already seen several orthopaedics to no avail. i do have a neck & shoulder problem to do with the L2 and L something else. both shoulders have torn tendons in both rotary cuffs. i have lymphedema in the left shoulder and arm i have the problem with the neck and shoulder since my early 20’s but no doctor that i have seen so far has cared enough to find out what is causing all these problems. i have seen orthopedics. i have gone to chiro’s and he can only help me if i can go every day and i cannot afford to do that. my regular family dr only suggest physical therapy and alternating ice & heat which only helps for the moment. so no diagnosis and no fix and if there’s no fix i would like a Doctor that could tell me what the cause is and why it can’t be fixed. i appreciate aany advice. thanks

Best answer:

Answer by Maybe Gray
Yes MRI showes everything. Have you checked with Physiotherapist? If you have a coverage; I encourage you to do check with a physiotherapist.. A Physiotherapist will put you in exercises program and therapy that would alleviate your pain. Other thant that, you can increase your intake of magnesium calcium & Omega 3. There is also an excellent anti inflammatory supplement that you can locate in health food stores. The name is ” Gulucsomine”. I hope you feel better soon.

Oh I just read that you checked in with a therapist.
Did you try the supplements that I have mentioned above?
Do you sit a lot? Maybe adjusting what you do through out your day could help too.
Such as watching your posture when you sit and bend etc. ANd if you sit a lot; to get up from your chair every half hour and walk around to promote an increase of blood flow,.
I don’t know want to suggest ,…Other than; advising you that, if you can you might want to try Pilate’s… as it a very good method to alleviate pain; to east nerve and muscles tension.

It is better to start with certified Pilates instructor as the movements can be tricky..
Here is a cool link..

Feel bette soon friend.

Answer by tod m
kidney pain from diabetes. Avoid sugar.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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