Physical Therapy Assistant Course Opens Up New Career Possibilities

assistant course opens up new career possibilities
Physical therapy assistants fit perfectly in an era of cost-cutting. “In the realm of health-care delivery, it's considered a cost-effective way to deliver physical therapy,” Heil said. Assistants make considerably less money than physical therapists … Read more on Daily Inter Lake

Where Are They Now?
Yet we must be aware of the cost and the debt that is being incurred to achieve an education. What are your goals for the years ahead? It is important for me to lead the numerous initiatives over … We hope to launch a new School of Health Sciences … Read more on Newport Life Magazine

Genesys Health System's 25-year vision would create thousands of Genesee
The new facility, which would be located on the southwest portion of the health campus, would have 155 beds, larger therapy space, courtyards, wooded views and a more homey, less institutionalized feel, Evans said. The facility, which would cost $ 27 … Read more on The Flint Journal –


Rehabilitation Following Colles Fracture-What to Expect at Physical Therapy – Colles fracture? Bad break to the wrist? The cast comes off and then what? Your guide to wrist recovery with Occupational Therapist, Liz Verhelle and Physical Therapist, Neal Church of Dynasplint Systems, Inc.


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