Urine Test for Alcohol, Difference Between Non Egt and Egt?

Question by pdxabcd: urine test for alcohol, difference between non egt and egt?
I understand that the Egt tests an enzime from the liver up to 80 hours after drinking. Does an egt test ever come up as undiluted, like a non egt test? I am trying to figure out what test they gave me, as I came up undiluted, and that was ok with my counselor as I drink a LOT of water all day and she knows it. Just wondering if that is the difference between the tests. Is one testing urine content and the other (egt) testing the liver alcohol output? I’ve had friends that passed UAs teh day after and others who have failed 3 days after drinking.
Thanks in advance, look forward to responses

Best answer:

Answer by Cervisia Praedo Maritus
If you drink too much water the test will render you an automatic fail. You have a “counselor” than ask her the difference of the tests. wtf!

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