Shia LaBeouf Reportedly Heads to Rehab After Hitting Rock Bottom Last Week

Shia LaBeouf Reportedly Heads To Rehab After Hitting Rock Bottom Last Week
Shia LeBeouf is reported to have checked himself into a rehab center in Hollywood for alcohol problems. Photos courtesy of Reuters. Anyone who has been affected by alcohol abuse, whether personally or through a loved one, knows it is a disability and … Read more on Medical Daily

Nonresidential rehab programs are effective
An article in Wednesday's Morning Call ("City zoners ponder halfway house") refers to a development plan for a residential facility to help people with on their way toward re-integrating into society. By coincidence, this appeared … Read more on Allentown Morning Call

Rehab center survives Carpenter 1 fire, continues to provide help
Men and boys in recovery, fighting abuse and addiction from drugs and alcohol had to flee the wildfire. “Ever seen the Black Forest, I think from 'Snow White' that's exactly what it looked like,” Magrdichian said. Westcare runs the secluded … Read more on KLAS-TV

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