Should an Atheist Soldier Have to Attend a Prayer in the Army if a Chaplain Leads One in a Ceremony?

Question by : Should an atheist soldier have to attend a prayer in the army if a chaplain leads one in a ceremony?
A ceremony like change of command, awards ceremony, prior to first airborne jump, etc. Or should an atheist have to attend a prayer after a mission brief? Or should an atheist have to attend a mandated “biblical ” as part of a class for all married soldiers prior to returning from a deployment?

I have been told I had to be present for all of the above. Is this right?

Best answer:

Answer by evolvedmore
No, you do not have to attend. Well in US military you don’t.

Answer by Nuclear black metal kampF
No Atheists in foxholes… gays aren’t allowed in the military

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


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