graeme cowan

Could I Be Bipolar?

Question by pixie_vixen117: Could I be bipolar? Lately, I have been conderned about my mental health. I have suffered from depression in the past, but lately it is weird. I have days when I love life, and things seem wonderful, nothing bugs me, even things that would normally bug me. Then later in the month, it is the exact opposite. I had a week or so a little bit ago where I was severely depressed, and could not explain it. Just the other day, something that previously did not bug me, sent me into a crying fit where I just fell on the floor and sobbed, and could not explain it. Now I am extremely happy again. What is up with me? Is this normal? I have no health insurance and hate taking meds, because I am overly sensitive to the side effects usually, and cannot afford to see a doctor really. Not only what I listed above, but I also have smaller symptoms too, such as some days, I could sleep forever and not wake up, and am always tired. I cannot focus sometimes, I have racing thoughts ...

3 Reasons Why Not All Mental Health Professionals Are Created Equal

by shatrith 3 Reasons Why Not All Mental Health Professionals are Created Equal Graeme Cowan's book, Back From The Brink, brings you true stories from well-known and everyday people, and practical help for overcoming depression and bipolar disorder. Touching, moving and often surprising, the stories in Back From The Brink are … Read more on (blog) No evidence that messaging portals reduce costs, improve outcomes, review of … … medical centers in Los Angeles and Indianapolis did find that portal use was associated with improved ...