A Quick Question About Blackouts?

Question by Jonny: a quick question about blackouts?
so during this summer i partied like 4 to 5 times a week, drank like a fish , basically was living life like hunter s thompson, then school started up again and now i party like once a week, keeping up with school and working, so now on the weekends either once or twice do i party hard, but in the last 3 weeks i have suffered from extreme blackouts, i completely forget up to 3 hours of the night, this has never happened to me, my friends and i have always drank extreme amounts and always were able to remember the night hazily but in its entirety, its just now that these things have began to reoccur, and i know a lot of people are going to tell me “blackouts are signs of alcoholism” i will say again i drank like every day and i never experienced them, so please don’t reiterate that because i’ve heard it and i don’t believe it, there has to be another explaination for these short term memory losses to suddenly sprout up, it worries me and i really want to know why i wake up on sunday morning feeling like the dude from memento.. thanks

Best answer:

Answer by confused_
i know you said you didnt want to hear this and im no expert but maybe your body could take it before and with time the alcohol has taken it’s toll, which is why you’re experiencing the effects after so long. But i would say go to a doctor just incase it’s an unrelated side effect of something more serious

Answer by pixelscapes
Perhaps your partying like Hunter S. Thompson has finally done enough damage that you can’t bounce back like you used to.

Try going without drink or drugs for a month and see if you have more blackouts — and whether you can go that long without drinking. That’ll answer your question about the blackouts and also about alcoholism, won’t it?

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